President’s Message

Welcome to the Maryland-District of Columbia Society of Healthcare Risk Management!

MD-DC SHRM is an affiliate of ASHRM, the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management. We share the ASHRM mission of advancing patient safety, reducing uncertainty, and maximizing value through management of risk across the healthcare enterprise. Our membership represents a wide variety of organizations, including hospitals, physician practices, and long-term care facilities, along with risk managers, defense counsel, insurers, and patient safety and quality improvement professionals.

I am honored and grateful to serve as MD-DC SHRM’s President for 2023 as we strive to meet the needs of, and bring value to, our membership, by providing education, offering networking and outreach opportunities, and otherwise advocating for and supporting the risk management profession and risk management and related professionals.

I would like to thank our 2022 Board for their leadership and contributions that made 2022 a very successful year for our Chapter as we continue to emerge from the pandemic and the challenges it posed for everyone over the past few years. The Board collaborated and coordinated many events for our members, including a return to in-person meetings and education sessions, topped off by a lively, productive, and educational Annual Meeting in December. We also accomplished many other great things, including the enhancement of our website and creation of a members-only forum to facilitate discussion and exchange ideas, and the creation of a summary of pertinent legislation to our members. .

I would also like to take a moment to congratulate and welcome our new 2023 Board Members:

  • President Elect: Deborah Garibay
  • Secretary: Nancy Connelly
  • Treasurer Elect: Peggy Chu
  • Nominating Chair: Heather Joyce-Byers
  • Directors at Large: Deborah Baden & Karey McDonough
  • Congratulations and welcome to the 2023 MD-DC Board!!
  • Kaitlan Skrainer will continue in her position as Treasurer, and Teri Leonovich and Karen Twigg will continue in their roles as Directors at Large.

We would be unable to accomplish our goals without our Committees. They are robust and support the greater mission of MD-DC SHRM. Committees include Education, Communication, Membership, Finance, Legislative, Sponsorship, Nominating, and By-Laws. More information can be found at Please consider joining one or more of these amazing committees. Particular areas of need are for the Education and Legislative Committees. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the Committee Chair or me.

The Education Committee has some exciting education programs planned for 2023. Keep an eye out for correspondence with further registration details.

I believe it is imperative for all of us to continue to network (whether virtual or in-person) and learn from each other during this challenging time in healthcare. One way to do that is to be a part of MD/DC SHRM. If you are not already a member or have not yet renewed your membership, I welcome you to join/renew today: As a member, you can take advantage of the many opportunities that MD/DC SHRM has to offer. If there are things that you would like to see us implement, please reach out to me. We are always looking to improve and meet our members’ needs. Please do not miss the opportunity to be a part of the discussion as we all come together to advance our mission and promote our members.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of our long-standing sponsors. We appreciate your commitment to our mission and efforts to provide quality education to Healthcare Risk Management professionals. Your generosity and participation help to make our educational sessions, webinars, and events possible. If you would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact me at

I look forward to continuing to serve as your President for 2023.

Carolyn (“Carrie”) Israel Stein, Esq.

Kiernan Trebach LLP
