Maryland-DC Chapter of the Society for Healthcare Risk Management

MD DC SHRM Meeting

Greetings to the MD-DC SHRM Community!

Can you believe this year is coming to an end? (I say that every year, then about 365 days later, it happens all over again. I have renewed surprise every year!). With the end of 2016 comes the start of 2017, and with that comes what I know will be another great year for our chapter.

The first event for 2017 is our Kick Off and Committee Planning Meeting, scheduled for Thursday, January 19 at 4:30PM at the Sheraton in Columbia, MD. This is a great opportunity for new and veteran volunteers to help plan committee work and programs for the year.  This is an informal but very important meeting that lays the groundwork for our chapter’s activities and events. We will also review the 2016 events to determine what worked (or not), and what members liked (or not). Food and drinks will be provided.

All committees currently have openings:  Membership, Sponsorship, Education, Bylaws, Legislative, Nominating, Finance and Communications. We would also like to discuss forming a committee or subcommittee to explore educational webinars for our membership.

We are proud to have a very active chapter with enthusiastic members and a wonderful group of committed sponsors. Taking an active role in the MD-DC SHRM not only helps our local chapter and its members; it can also help you grow personally and professionally.

If you plan to attend, please respond to Rina Borg at: There is no cost associated with this meeting, but we need a count for room size and food.

If you cannot attend and would like to volunteer for a committee, please let me know.

I hope to see you on January 19 at 4:30PM.




Maryland-DC Chapter of the Society for Healthcare Risk Management