
News & Events
- December 5, 2018
- September 12, 2018
- Educational Program: “ASHRM Strategic Plan: What You Need to Know” and “Risk and Reputation: The Partnership between
Risk Management and Media Relations”
- June 6, 2018
- Educational Meeting: “MD-DC SHRM Lightning Rounds 2018.”
- March 8, 2018
- Annual Meeting & Educational Program: “Violent Patients: Strategies for
Keeping Yourself Safe.”
- December 7, 2017
- MD-DC ASHRM Annual Meeting & Educational Program “Controlled Dangerous Substances Practices & Pitfalls.”
- October 15-18, 2017
- ASHRM 2017 Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington
- September 14, 2017
- Educational Program: "TRANSGENDER CARE:
Unique Risks.�
- June 15, 2017
- Educational Meeting “MD-DC SHRM Lightning Rounds 2017”.
- March 17, 2017
- Save the Date! 13TH Annual Maryland Patient Safety Conference on March 17, 2017 at the Hilton Baltimore.
- March 9, 2017
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program: "EARLY RE$OLUTION:
The Cost of Doing the Right Thing”.
- January 19, 2017
- Kick Off and Committee Planning Meeting at 4:30PM at the Sheraton in Columbia, MD.
- December 1, 2016
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program“The Art & Science of Influence: Tools for Change”
- October 28 � 29, 2016
- Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management (CPHRM)
Examination Preparation Course.
- September 8, 2016
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program“Under the Big Top:
Big Verdicts, Big Strategies,
Big Legislation”
- June 16, 2016
- Educational Meeting: "MD-DC SHRM Lightning Rounds 2016”
- March 10, 2016
- Educational Meeting: "Alphabet Soup:
A Guide to MOLST, EMTALA and CRISP.”
- January 13, 2016
- Baltimore Bar Foundation and MD-DC SHRM Joint Symposium.
- December 10, 2015
- Educational Program: "Privacy and Security Liability Review: Identification, Responses and Solutions.”
- September 10, 2015
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program: “EMR: The Full Employment Guarantee for Risk Managers and Lawyers.”
- June 11, 2015
- MD-DC SHRM Meeting: “Risk Management Lightning Rounds.”
- March 12, 2015
- MD-DC SHRM March Meeting: "Violence in our Hospitals: Health-scare in Healthcare."
- December 4, 2014
- September 11, 2014
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program - "Social Media: Risk Management Heaven or Hell?!"
- June 12 , 2014
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Meeting - MD-DC SHRM HITS “THE BIG TIME!”, Updates on BIG Verdicts, BIG Appellate Cases, & BIG Legislative Changes.
- April 3, 2014
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Meeting - "Risk Management Lightning Rounds"
- December 11, 2013
- MD-DC SHRM Annual Meeting - " The Intersection of Ethics and the Law: The Top Ethical Issues We are Facing in Healthcare Today"
- September 19, 2013
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program - " Anatomy of a Case: An Alarming Situation Risk, Claims & Legal Implications"
- June 6, 2013
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program - "Healthcare Legislation: How It Will Affect You".
- March 21, 2013
- MD-DC SHRM Educational Program - "Risk Management Lightning Rounds."

- December 6, 2012
- MD-DC SHRM Educational and Annual Meeting
- October 9, 2012
- June 21, 2012
- March 22, 2012
- December 6, 2011
- September 2011
- Educational Meeting on September 22, 2011 - "You
are in Our House Now": Keeping the Health Care Environment
Safe from Disruptive Behavior .
- June 2011
- Educational Meeting on June 23, 2011- MD-DC SHRM HITS
THE BIG TIME: 2010-2011: BIG Verdicts, BIG Court Decisions,
BIG Legislative Changes.
- April 2011
- December 2010
- August 2010
- June 2010
- September 2009
