Maryland-DC Chapter of the Society for Healthcare Risk Management

President's Message


On behalf of the Maryland –District of Columbia Society for Healthcare Risk Management (“MD-DC SHRM”) I want to personally welcome you to another exciting year.  As I was preparing this message I reflected on how just how long I have enjoyed being active in MD-DC SHRM and how much our organization has grown.  I served my first term as President in 2011.  That was the year before ASHRM brought its national conference to the Maryland D.C. area.  As many of you know, next year (2019) ASRHM’s national conference will be right here in Baltimore.  Coincidence, perhaps. Or maybe our chapter just enjoys bringing risk managers and patient safety advocates together from across the nation.

I realize that I have some very big shoes to fill with Nancy Connelly passing the President’s torch on to me.  I want to personally thank Nancy for the incredible job she did as President and for the amazing support she has already extended to me in the short time I have been President.  Nancy is an incredible person, resource and colleague.

For this year I have 3 main objectives:  First, I want to personally meet each and every member of MD DC SHRM and welcome you to our organization.  There are so many exciting opportunities for involvement and participation.  Health care (and risk management within healthcare) is becoming increasingly challenging.  I want our members to know that we as an organization are there to support them and assist them in any way possible.  Second, I want to begin our planning for our chapter event for the 2019 ASHRM national conference.  Having been a part of the planning process in 2011, I know only too well that to plan a successful event, you need time and the imaginations of multiple people.  It is an exciting to have the honor of hosting the national conference.  Third, I want to see our organization grow.  We currently have over 170 members which is great.  I would like to see us increase that membership and find ways to reach all of our members across the District and the State of Maryland.  I know with the support of the many Committee chairs and other Board members, we can absolutely accomplish.

I would like to end my message with a big thank you to all of our members and committee chairs who attended our January kickoff meeting.  We had 28 eager volunteers sign up to help our organization accomplish all of our goals.  How exciting!  As members of MD-DC SHRM we are recognized as leaders in our fields. We take pride in our strength but recognize we must continue to grow; as an organization we will continue our focus on the continuing education of our membership so that we are all prepared for what the future holds.


Susan Durbin Kinter,  BSN JD CPHRM FASHRM
Vice President Claims, Litigation & Risk Management
Maryland Medicine Comprehensive Insurance Program
250 West Pratt Street
Suite 1200
Baltimore,  MD 21201 


Maryland-DC Chapter of the Society for Healthcare Risk Management